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Mistress Jorunn                      Webminister for Misty Marsh


What is the SCA?

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is a non-profit, educational group that re-creates the Western European Middle Ages and Asia from 600 A.D. – 1600 A.D. We say “re-create” because instead of re-enacting specific historical events, we choose aspects of pre-1600 life. Members also re-create through the use of a “persona”, a character who could have lived in period.

Have you ever wished you lived in the days of chivalry and tournaments?
Dreamed of sharing sumptuous feasts with noble lords and ladies?
Longed to dance to the music of harps and sing with the troubadors?
Or even perhaps shoot a few arrows with Robin Hood,
join the Crusades with Richard the Lionheart
or take to the seas in a Viking longship with Eric the Red?

Then the SCA may be for you.

People in the SCA study and re-create martial activities including: armored combat, fencing, archery, siege weapons and more! Our artisans research, create and teach music, poetry, cooking, singing, dancing, metal-smithing, tailoring, armoring, etc. Through the hard work of dozens and even hundreds of volunteers, we host events all over the country every weekend.

The SCA  encompasses all of the “Knowne World”, twenty Kingdoms across the globe. The Kingdom of Atlantia encompasses all of Maryland, the District of Columbia, North Carolina, South Carolina, most of Virginia and a small portion of Georgia. Atlantia is in turn divided into a number of local groups: Baronies, Shires, Cantons and Colleges.

Our Canton is located in the counties of Florence, Clarendon, Marion, Dillon and Horry Counties, an area that includes all lands east of I-95 in the State of South Carolina.

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